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SSC CHSL Photo & Signature Resizer Online

Photo or drag & drop here
Images are uploaded securely,
never shared with 3rd parties,
and deleted permanently once
the download link expires
(after 24 hours)
Image upload
Signature or drag & drop here
Images are uploaded securely,
never shared with 3rd parties,
and deleted permanently once
the download link expires
(after 24 hours)
Image upload

SSC CHSL Exam Application Photo Resizer

SSC CHSL photo resizer

Are you looking to apply for the Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination (CHSL) administered by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC)?

As you probably know, the online application form has very specific requirements for both the photo and signature. If the file size, format and dimensions aren't right, you can't upload the images (and hence can't apply for the exam).

There's no need to panic, though. With our SSC CHSL photo resizing tool it's really easy to resize your SSC CHSL photo and signature so they both meet their uploading requirements.

Why you need to resize your SSC CHSL photo and signature

When applying for the SSC CHSL application, having the correct photo and signature size are crucial.

If your images don't meet the precise dimensions (100 x 120 pixels for the photo and 140 x 60 pixels for the signature), you can't apply. Simple as that.

Don't be disheartened, though - we can help you deal with that pesky restriction. Our photo resizer utility has been designed specifically with the SSC CHSL application criteria in mind.

Introducing the SSC CHSL photo resizer

The SSC CHSL photo resizer isn't just a simple resizing tool - it's much more than that.

It accepts the image files of your photo and signature - in pretty much any common format - and resizes and reformats them to meet the specific requirements that the SSC has for its CHSL exam applications process.

In addition to changing the dimensions of your photos and signatures, the tool will also adjust the file size and convert the file format to the correct one (jpeg) ready to be uploaded. So you can stop wasting time on the application and spend your time more productively - on preparing for the exam.

How to Use the SSC CHSL Photo Resizer

Using this tool is easy peasy image squeezy. Let's walk you through the process:

  1. Uploads your files via secure SSL transfer layer to our server
    • You can drag and drop your photographs, or select the image and upload it that way
  2. Resizes the photo you cropped to the required resolution (both width and height) and file size.
    • This makes sure the right part of the signature image and photo are shown in the final output)
  3. Converts your uploaded image to the required jpeg format (if necessary).
    • That's it, you're done! Your files are ready to download

What happens under the hood?

In the interests of transparency, here's what's happening behind the scenes.

The SSC CHSL photo resizer ...

  1. Uploads your files via secure SSL transfer layer to our server
  2. Resizes the photo you cropped to the required resolution (both width and height) and file size.
  3. Converts your uploaded image to the required jpeg format (if necessary).

Once that's done, your files are ready to be download.

After 24 hours the download link expires, and we delete your files completely from our server.

We don't look at your files or pass them on, and nor do we pass your data on to any third party. Our website is fully supported by the apps you see on the screen.

Not just a photo resizer

Our SSC CHSL photo resizer tool doesn't just resize images - it actively optimises them to meet the very specific requirements of the exam's application form.

Firstly, it's a resizer. We ensure your photo fits the required dimensions, both in terms of width and height (100 x 120 pixels).

Secondly, it's a converter. The exam application website requires you to upload a jpg for your two files. So we take whatever file you upload and convert it.

Thirdly, it's an image compressor. We do any compression required to make sure your file fits within the appropriate size range (20-50 KB).

Oh, and it also deals with the signature

Your signature is just as crucial for your SSC CHSL application as your photo. You need both for the application.

Our resizer tool performs the same techniques mentioned above to ensure that the image file containing your signature also meets the websites specific requirements, which are not the same as for the photo (dimensions of 140 x 60 pixels, a file size of 10-20 KB, and jpeg file format).

How to capture the perfect SSC CHSL exam application photo and signature

If you're going to resize your images for the SSC CHSL exam application process, it really helps to have high-quality photo and signature images to start with. Here are a few tips to help you get off on the right foot:

Photo tips
  1. Lighting: Ensure your photograph is taken in well-lit conditions. A blurry or dark image might be rejected during the SSC CHSL examination application process.
  2. Background: It's best to go with a plain, light-colored background to avoid detracting from your face.
  3. Resolution: Your original image should be high quality, specifically meaning good resolution, to get the best results when the tool resizes it.
Signature Tips
  1. Bold writing: Your signature needs to be clear to start with if you want it to remain legible after resizing. So pick the right pen for the job, and write in a way that produces a bold result.
  2. Background: Write your signature on a clear white piece of paper. This will give stronger contrast, helping the legibility of your signature after its resized.
  3. High-Resolution Scan: Now you have to get your signature into digital format. Scan (or photograph) your signature at a high resolution to make sure this doesn't impact on the final quality.

Remember, the better the images you feed in, the more likely you'll get the perfect output from the SSC CHSL photo resizer and signature resizer tool. Put in the effort and get it right first time, and you won't have to do it again.


You need the right file size, dimensions and format for both your photo and signature if you're going to do your SSC CHSL exam application.

Our free SSC CHSL photo resizer tool will compress your images to the right size, convert them to the correct format, and resize them to the exact dimensions needed, so you can get on with studying for (and hopefully acing) those government exams.

That's enough talk - time to get to it. Prepare your photos, upload them here, and well process them. Then simply download your resized images and upload them to the SSC CHSL online exam form.

Ready to try the best SSC CHSL photo resizer and signature resizing tool? Get started today with our tool, resize your photo and signatures, and ace your SSC CHSL application!

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