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Remove EXIF Data from Photos Instantly - Free Privacy Tool

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Images are uploaded securely,
never shared with 3rd parties,
and deleted permanently once
the download link expires
(after 24 hours)
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What is EXIF metadata ?

EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) metadata are additional data embodied in digital images by digital cameras,smartphones, tablets, etc. This metadata contains information about the image file, such as the camera settings used to capture the image, date and time the image was taken, GPS location data, and more.

Types of EXIF Metadata in Photos

  • Camera Information: Details about the camera make and model, lens type, and firmware version.
  • Exposure Settings: Data such as shutter speed, aperture, ISO, and white balance that were used at the time of capture.
  • Date and Time: Timestamps indicating when the photo was taken, which can help organize and archive images.
  • Geolocation Data: GPS coordinates that pinpoint the location where the photo was captured (if enabled on the device).
  • Additional Details: Information like image resolution, file format, and sometimes even copyright notices.

Privacy Risks of EXIF Information

  • Unintentional Location Disclosure: Embedded GPS data can reveal the exact location where a photo was taken, potentially exposing personal or sensitive locations such as your home or workplace.
  • Detailed Device and Timing Information: Information about the camera settings, device type, and timestamps can be exploited to track habits or correlate activities across different platforms.
  • Data Misuse: When images are shared online without stripping sensitive metadata, it opens up the risk of misuse by malicious parties who could use this information for stalking, burglary, or other privacy invasions.

How Social Media Platforms Handle EXIF Data

  • Automatic Metadata Removal: Many platforms automatically strip out or obscure sensitive EXIF data (such as GPS coordinates and camera details) when images are uploaded, helping to protect user privacy.
  • Internal Use Only: Some metadata might be retained for internal purposes like analytics or content optimization but is generally not accessible to the public.
  • Privacy Settings and User Control: Platforms often provide users with guidelines or options to remove metadata before sharing. It’s important for users to review these settings and understand the platform’s data handling policies.

How to Remove EXIF Data Online

Step-by-Step EXIF Removal Guide

  1. Upload image - Drag and drop or upload your image by ‚Select Images’.
  2. Wait while it uploads.
  3. Click on ‚Remove EXIF’.
  4. Click ‚Download’ to save EXIF free image on your machine.

Supported Image Formats

EXIF Remover tool supports image formats like: JPG, PNG, WEBP and HEIC.

Batch Processing Multiple Photos

In free version of EXIF Remover tool, you can batch process up to 3 files at once. Go Premium to resize up to 10 files — ad-free.

Benefits of Using Our EXIF Remover

No Quality Loss Guarantee

Removing the EXIF metadata from a photo does not affect its original quality.

Cloud Security & Data Protection

Images are uploaded securely, never shared with 3rd parties, and deleted permanently once the download link expires (after 24 hours)


Can EXIF data reveal my location? display answer hide answer Yes, email, FaceTune reveal your location. Social Media stripes metadata.

Does removing EXIF affect image quality? display answer hide answer No, removing the EXIF metadata from a photo does not affect image quality.

Explore our Exif Viewer tool to display image metadata

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